Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Showing db the best trees

Hakuba Powder Lodging Sking Mountians
Hakuba Powder Lodging Sking Mountians
Hakuba Powder Lodging Sking Mountians
Hakuba Powder Lodging Sking Mountians
Hakuba Powder Lodging Sking Mountians
Hakuba Powder Lodging Sking Mountians
Hakuba Powder Lodging Sking Mountians
The Snow Pack had me running scared so I went up with db and his bro to check out some cool trees that I really like. The pack looked crap but it held fine. The next day however the pack was very unstable and sliding everywhere. Was a great day really and we got to understand the snow a bit better.

1 comment:

Damian said...

At least it is way more stable now. Wont last long. db